EVENT NAME 2024 – occupational health and safety coordination

The occupational health and safety coordination is based on the production regulations, which can be downloaded by the LINK below. Please read this and the additional mentioned documents carefully and submit the necessary information in the following form until the specified deadline.

Deadline: 24 hours before entering production

Alternativ you can also submit the information via email to event@support-factory.net or by personally delivering to the occupational health and safety coordination by the specified deadline.

Gender note: For better readybility, the generic masculine ist used in this paper. Unless otherwise indicated, the designations used in this work refer to all genders.

you find the Link to the Production Regulation - Occupational health and safety
Please read before filling out the following form!

Company informations
Occupational Data
Who is your contact person for occupational health and safety issues in your company?
The announced person must comply with the requirements of the production regulation and be on site during the entire time. In addition they are obliged to complete the h&s online-briefing, to obtain the corresponding certificate and to present this to the occupational health and safety coordination before starting work.
The personal data given here will be processed on our website in accordance with our data protection notice. The processing within the scope of the production of Celebrate at the gate 2023 takes place on the basis of section 6 (1) lit. c) GDPR, as part of our order for occupational health and safety coordination by BfS Berlin feiert Silvester GmbH as responsible for the further data processing.